Ministry of Power (BEE)'s recent announcements on Building Energy Efficiency, 2021 – What action should we take for creating sustainable habitat which is the aim of this Govt.
India pledged in the COP-21 (Conference of the Parties) in Paris that by 2030 40% of India’s power generation will be from non-fossil fuel sources (as per the data around 38% is already achieved). We are almost there with the push on renewable energy but the push for energy conservation on buildings by GOI is a much needed welcome step. We must know that the buildings sector is the second largest consumer of electricity and the way energy consumption in this sector is increasing it may be the largest consumer of electricity by 2030 as per Govt. data. But the question is - these announcements of fulfilling building code (ECBC) compliances and Eco Niwas Samhita 2021 are mere announcements or like other codes or schemes prevailing in our country for years - which is a announcement with its known trajectory of failure. When BEE first launched the performance contracting model in 2008 and tried to emulate prevailing models of developed world and it did not succeed. From the present prevailing framework this building sector has, it seems that we are trying to score numbers set in many building design frameworks for achieving ratings. How sustainable are those models after getting or achieving those ratings is questionable.
My suggestion as a building systems engineer is that building owners and contracting firms should adopt a simple PRESCRIPTIVE APPROACH for achieving energy efficiency goals as unless all users and builders make those energy efficiency goals as a part of their thinking process these energy efficiency goals of country can not be achieved. The pressure to comply to codes for approvals should not be there instead an inclusive approach should be adopted by education and more education. The building owners should work with trusted energy partners as their energy advisor and strive (using prescribed simple prescriptive approaches) to reduce their operating cost and achieve energy efficiency goals.
The simpler the system the better it is for all of us to reach a perceptible sustainable goal.
Pankaj Gupta
CEO, Zero Square Energy Solutions Private Limited