Post 24- Winter is approaching and pollution is at its peak this festive season . Guidelines in March and April 2020 were issued for Indoor Air Quality requirements during COVID times that emphasised fresh air infiltration to dilute the virus load if any but the irony is that with such high pollution now that itself has bad effects for good indoor air quality. So what to do now ? Air purification and UV C air treatment is the only solution till winter is not over and outdoor air pollution is reduced . Air purifiers now come with HEPA filters and some models also have UV light . You can watch NDTV show tomorrow talking about air purifiers of Carrier corporation the brand we represent. You can contact us if you need more information. Regards, Pankaj Gupta, M-Tech. (IIT-Delhi) CEO Zero Square Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
It is scheduled at 3:30 pm for today and 11:30 am tomorrow on NDTV
